From basic skills to advanced insights. Join us on the quest for ultimate knowledge of Ba Gua / baguazhang and the internal martial arts.
Features a wide range of topics: Internal Martial Art body mechanics, lost secrets, Taoist alchemy and internal energy (qigong) training in the arts
of Ba Gua, Hsing-i Ch'uan and T'ai-chi (taiqiquan)
master of intention (2022)
I thought I would share what I know, and what I think is happening with these so called, "magnetic fields" and their influence on an opponent. First, per whether the practitioner produces a "field" that is magnetic, it really is! And yes, (as some of you asked) the influence can be observed by ...
master level corrections - ba gua zhang - 9 palace form
PART 1 and 2 yin and yang centerline
VIM OTT part 1 of 5 bio energetic secrets of the I.M.A.
adv varialble step ba gua - short clip-u
Guide for advanced IMA practitioners
Wall Training Level 1 with added notes and trng guides
Drunken Style Boxing
From an instructor seminar at our Claremont Colleges martial art club
Tai chi principles test
This video is the presentation of a Senior t'ai-chi student candidate
master Liu ba gua staff
br 1 -Taoist breathing-LESSON 1-breaths 1and2 11 minutes_qtp
Overview- Taoist breathing arts for health and empowerment
(note, thanks to one of you 'all out there, we were notified that the image of the spine placed within the practitioner's body was upside down! ouch) But since we are so overloaded with videos and other projects that we are working on, we are ignoring the error for now and will correct in the fu...
The moment one advanced practitioner made super-advanced break thru
EVERY super advanced martial artist has one coaching or personal moment where everything comes together. Once he/she makes this breakthrough understanding it starts to affect and change EVERYTHING. All future practice is guided from that moment. I have been fortunate to capture some of these bre...
jb hsing i and teaching class late 90s
Video starts w a short piece of me practicing a hsing-i / xingyiquan form called "za shea shwe" (?), in the 1990s which translates into something like, "Repeated striking with a large hammer."
(I'm gonna try to put up the entire form later.) Then the video cuts to me teaching at my studio in the... -
hsing I adv mechanics and bone marrow washing
Intermediate Level practice of Hsing-i's / xingyiquan's "Splitting" strike
has hsing i fighting w garrett 2003 copy
shrfu-hsing i 11-06
John Bracy Force/ counter force punch- brief clip
Empty full for internal art Tai Chi_hsing-i_ba gua close combat
part 2 of 5: Bio-energetic secrets of the Internal martial arts
Detailed explanation of Force-Counter force principles. Basic level: how principle is found in most athletics. Advanced levels: How it awakens "soft" and "internal power" in the martial arts. Secret levels: How it stimulates the body's meridians and energy centers. Includes training tips.